Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Organization Heaven

Yesterday, work sent me to a Franklin Covey all-day seminar about time management training. To those of you who know me even a little, you know that this is Disneyland for me (not literally). I was so excited the night before our training that my conversation with Richard went something like this:

Me: I can't sleep! I'm so excited!!

Richard: You are acting like this is Christmas Eve, or something.

Me: More like the night before the first day of school!

(Note: Yes, I was more excited for the first day of school than for Christmas morning. I am a nerd. Also, the photo is not me, but stolen off the first google hit for "first day of school.")

The workshop did not disappoint. We were all given free "starter kits" binders (which I immediately upgraded to the cute red binder and stationary, natch). The Franklin Covey system focuses on planning your life pyramid style: starting with your values, then goals, then weekly planning and finally daily planning (with each task given a A,B or C rating). We also focused on the different "roles" that we each held in our life and how to get the "big rocks" taken care of for each role (I could have sworn I have heard the same lecture in a young women's lesson...).

My favorite part of the day had to have been during our "goals and values" section where we introduced ourselves as if it were 10 years from now. I created an elaborate scenario for both me and my family/friends. For details on where you'll be in 10 years, contact me. As for me, I'll be living it up in Boston, 2 years in to my Ph.D. program, teaching university courses part time, doing PR volunteer work for a non-profit, and celebrating my 10 1/2 year anniversary... all with an undisclosed number of children.

Basically, the whole day was like an early birthday present that I got paid for -- thanks Kimpton! Oh, and don't think I didn't write "blog about Franklin Covey training" on my daily tasks for today (don't worry, it was a "B" not an "A").


jennybhill said...

I want to know where I'll be in 10 years! And will you disclose my number of children?

Carma said...

EMILY!!!! This is exactly how I felt after I went to my time management seminar in July. We only had to predict 5 years into the future at mine...and I predicted everyone else's future as well...Somehow my predictions of you in 5 years don't quite coincide with your 10 year plan, though...but glad to see you'll still be on the east coast.

your soul sister. Carma

Carma said...

oh i was so excited to write my comment that i didn't notice that you also had predicted our futures...

and by the way, you are going to be awfully busy.

Emily said...

Well, since you asked:

Jenny: You and Aaron will have relocated back to Provo (where BYU is the reigning NCAA Champs for football 10 years running, and the stadium is now the Edwards-Hall Stadium... but that's besides the point.) Aaron is teaching math full time at BYU, and you have 5 children (3 boys, 2 girls). Spence is a great role model to all of his younger siblings and is always willing to baby-sit (although he has recently informed you that he is sick of 'watch me time.')

Carma: You are now teaching at Northwestern. Besides Thurm and Nico, you have a little daughter named Victoria that just turned 5 years old. Her first words were "Auntie Em." You are taking her on a girls only "princess" getway for Disneyland this Christmas. Thurman is a National Merit Scholar, and is excited to attend BYU. Nico is the star football player at his high school (middle school?), and is considering a career playing for the Vikings (which, of course, brings his father great joy). Greg works full time with Apple doing... statistical stuff.

Bethany said...

LOVED this post! So, you are adorable in all your planningness. I would love to hear my future...

Kristen said...

Okay, do me!

Carma said...

LOL. Emily, this is good. I like it. Except for if I have a 5 year old in 10 years, that means that I am not going to give birth to her until I am 42. hmmm.

But what good will it do me for you to be on the east coast if I'm back in Chicago????

the watch me time thing is very funny.

Mom said...

Sounds like a fun day. Thanks for sharing! Are you super-organized now? Why can't you disclose the number of children?

Emily said...

Kristen: You got married to Steve and immediately (well, nine months later) had twin girls! And then you had twin boys 3 years later! You are currently pregnent with another set of twins! (Okay, I may have just watched TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8.)

Beefers: You went to a mission to Fairbanks, Arkansas (No, not Fairbanks, Alaska), and when you returned you got your MBA from Hah-vahd. There, you met your husband James and now are happily living next door to us in Boston. Also, you have a son that we decided will marry my daughter, despite the fact that they currently hate each other.

Anna Hargis said...

oh em, that sounds so fun! i understand. :)