Saturday, September 27, 2008

SBA Update

Richard and I found out last night at exactly 9:59 p.m. (as we were about go to sleep... being the party-ers that we are) that Richard WON THE SBA ELECTION!!!

There was much happiness as we celebrated by eating the rest of Bethany's birthday brownies and a cup of cookies 'n cream ice-cream (our favorite dessert).

Three cheers for a more padded resume!

PS. Here is a photo that I made for Richie that he posted throughout the school.


esmiley said...

Congrats!!! I like the slogan and poster too.

Kristen said...

Yea for Richie!

Kody and Katie said...

yay! congratulations!

jennybhill said...

What a patriotic stud. I would have voted for him.

No one can blame you for going to bed on a Saturday night that early when there was no BYU game. (By the way, the are now in the top 10!)

Carma said...

LOL. This is a great poster. How could he NOT have won!! Congrats!!

Mom said...

Congratulations! Love the picture. You look larger than life, very handsome, and ready to serve!

Bethany said...

Woohoo!!!! Hurray! I have actually been wondering about that for the past week. :)