Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vote For Pedro... er, Richie!

As Richard is too busy to do anything that doesn't involve studying, it has fallen on my shoulders to create a strategic marketing campaign to get him elected to be a 1L Representative for the GMU SBA (Student Bar Association).

Whew, such responsibility!! I was originally going to follow in the footsteps of the McCain/Obama techniques and slander (libel? I always get those confused) his unsuspecting opponents, but alas, I did sign the PRSSA Code of Ethics which states that I will not participate in such behavior. So now it is on to other ideas.

Luckily, Richard has made alliances -- I'm glad The Office has taught us well -- with other people who are also running to be a 1L Representative (3 people get elected). One already made this fetching poster, below (and no, they did not ask my permission to include me in Richard's poster... probably put me in to appeal to the married demographic):

Click on the picture to enlarge it... believe me, it's worth it.

So now, I am trying to find a way to supplement this great work of art. Here are some of the things I came up with while writing the introduction to the blog:

*Maybe a poster based off of the law firm ads you see on the back of phone books?
*Free candy handed out in class... seriously, when has that ever not worked?
*Richard has thought of the slogan, "Pick Me, Number Three!" He figures, if everyone writes Richard as his third choice (he clearly isn't bothered by this), he will still get elected.

Anyway, ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Questions? Slander?


jennybhill said...

That's a great poster. The other two guys are facing your picture and look like they wish they were married too (maybe they are?). I don't know what the students at the U of I did among their peers to get elected, but I remember one guy brought our office donuts. It didn't work since we don't vote, so maybe "treats for staff" should never be included on your list.

Mom said...

Well, the focus of the poster is obviously on Richard and you, since the others are looking in your direction. Looks like a shoo-in! (sp?) Yay, Richie - you look very competent and wise. Yay, Emily - campaign manager. Good ideas. When is the election?

Lincolnlogger said...

Wow! It's your first shot at being a "trophy wife" Emily!

(You'll take that as a compliment)

Bethany said...

Yay Richie! I'm semi confused by the poster, but it looks great!

I think candy in class is a good idea, but a better idea would be for you to bring in homemade cookies wrapped in saran wrap with little pro-Richie messages tied to them with ribbon.

Also, the third choice idea. :)

Bethany said...

Okay, so it just occurred to me that Pedro is the Spanish equivalent of Peter, right? SOO.... you could do shirts that say "Vote for Pedro-son"!

Emily said...

I like it!