Monday, December 15, 2008

Couponing Update!

It's been a couple of months since I last updated about my couponing/food stocking/attempts at money saving.

I'll be honest, it's not all fun and games. There are times when I want to just walk into a grocery store and buy whatever I want regardless of cost like the good ole' days. And I've had my fair share of snippy clerks who have tried to convince me that policies/coupons work a certain way when I know they don't. I'm pretty sure I even cried once after a bad trip to CVS.

BUT, I really have enjoyed myself for the most part and gotten some sa-weet deals. Richard and I have more or less stuck to a budget of $100/month on food and all household items(makeup, toiletries, laundry detergent, home fragrance, you name it) combined. This is down from $300-400 a month from September. I still have yet to get the point of many of the blogs I follow, who have the same budget for 4-6 people. But it's a good start!

Here a few things I've learned through my journey thus far:

1. Take a break when you need to: If you haven't already heard my looonnng explanations of Extra Care Bucks at CVS, I'll tell you now that it is one of my fav money-saving stores. But, just like anything else, you can get burnt out following the sales. I was feeling this way in early December, so I decided to take a couple of weeks off. I'm sure I missed a few deals by doing this, but when I went back in on Saturday, I had a renewed excitement. I guess I would say don't let it get to a point where you feel like you are doing a "chore." Just stay at home for a couple of weeks and let your enthusiasm build!

2. Don't spend money on things you don't need/won't eat: During one of my trips to Harris Teeter I had a coupon that matched a great BOGO sale on HT eggs. Of COURSE I bought them for a very reduced price. But then what happened? Oh, they sat in our fridge for a month or so, and we ended up throwing most of them away (as you can see, we aren't on an egg-friendly diet). So, in the end, paying money for ANYTHING you won't use isn't a good deal. That being said, I now get tons of things for FREE at CVS (notice, I said "don't spend money on things you won't use," not "don't buy things you won't use") . They make great presents for those who will use them, and we are planning on donating lots of stuff (we seriously have about 30 tubes of toothpaste I got for free in our stockpile!) to our ward and homeless shelters.

3. Don't expect everything to go perfectly: When I first started couponing, I would get very flustered and frustrated when things didn't go perfectly at the store. The most common problem is that the store will be out of the thing you want to get (after all, I'm not the only one couponing in my neck of the woods). I think I am now getting better and shifting my attitude to be more flexible to last-minute changes.

4. All deals are not good deals: Case in point: Recently, I had a good coupon that matched a BOGO sale at the grocery store. After commending myself for getting the product like 70% off, I looked at the store brand and it was still cheaper! Granted, this doesn't happen very often. But just because something is on a good sale does not mean it's still the best use of your buck.

Okay, well that's about all my insights for now. I've learned a lot about budgeting and such the past few months and would happy to chat more about it to anyone! The best thing I can say is make a goal for your family budget and STICK TO IT. If that means cutting out some luxuries, then so be it. It's all worth it in the end!


Kody and Katie said...

We need to have a good chat! I love to talk about this!! We don't have a CVS nearby, but we do have Walgreens, but I still haven't gotten into using their rewards things :-( I think it scares me! I am so impressed with the $100! I don't think we could do it! Well, I'm sure we could if we tried. It is so overwhelming sometimes because there are so many deals out there, you just have to find them, but it just takes so much planning! We need to talk soon...

jennybhill said...

Emily, that is really ver impressive. So, how do you organize all your coupons?

kevin711 said...

I am also very impressed by the $100 budget. I think I was last doing that in my bachelor pork and beans and ramen noodle days.

Mom said...

Good tips. You are amazing!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

thanks for the update. i really am going to hunker down and get strict with myself soon. we'll see how it works out with all my baking...but i think i can totally do it.

thanks for the tips!

i love the pix...

Unknown said...

my goodness! Im extremely impressed. i want to throw myself at your the feet of your extreme saving wisdom. i consider myself a bit of a deal hound but reach nowhere near such levels of thrift.

Bethany said...

You are an inspiration to all of us!

Jordan said...

Hmm... I don't even know you but somehow I came across your blog. I'm really impressed with your budgeting and coupon use!

Jordan Metcalf