Saturday, November 24, 2012

One Month

Luke is one month old today! Even in the last week or so, I've noticed huge changes in him -- he's much more aware of his surroundings and as my sister put it, "more of a baby and less of a newborn." Most of the the time he is a happy baby, and really only cries if he has a good reason to.

Here are a few things that I don't want to forget about Luke at 1 month:

*He's grown out of all of his newborn onesies and is into the 0-3 months clothes.

*He is doing a pretty good job with his sleeping schedule -- he sleeps in 4-hour stretches at night, and usually goes right back to sleep after eating. During the day, he eats every 2.5-3 hours.

*Luke LOVES music (both when we sing to him and when have music playing) and we regularly have dance parties. His favorite song to dance to is, "Life's A Happy Song" from The Muppets soundtrack. Also, white noise will almost always calm him down immediately if he's fussy. I'm the same way -- I've always needed some sort of white noise to fall asleep too, so we have the white noise sound machine run all night long.

*He is learning to like bath time. The first few times we gave him a bath, he screamed the whole time (although he loves when we towel him off after, especially when we use the great towel that Kaylyn made him). Last night though, he was happy for pretty much the whole bath and just stared at himself in the mirror the whole time. Huzzah!

*He does not like to poop -- in fact, he recently had a 5-day stretch with no poops. Our pediatrician said it's okay as long as he is gaining weight and having lots of wet diapers, so we aren't too worried. But we are not going through our baby wipes nearly as fast as we thought we would!

*We like to play the "Hi" game with him, where we hold him close to our face and repeat the word "Hi" (it's not a very complicated game). He watches us very intently and tries to repeat it back to us (I think?). A few times, he's made the "I" vowel sound, although I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or not.

We love our Lukey and are excited to see what changes the next month will bring!


Mom said...

Love the blog. Your little newborn looks like such a chubby, happy baby! He sure has great parents! Love you.

Jen Holtkamp said...

luke is so cute! brent loves white noise too and now i love it too!

Kaylyn said...

Look how big he is getting! Jack has the sniffles right now but once he gets better, we are having a play date!!!

jennybhill said...

Way to go, Luke -- already a fan of the Muppets! He is a cute baby! So glad to hear how he is growing and doing so well. Hope you are too!

p.s. I thought you called your white noise by a different color...?

Chelsea said...

Wow, he is so cute and getting so big! I can't wait to meet him! I know I keep saying that...sorry!