Thursday, January 3, 2013

Two months!

Sorry, we're a bit behind schedule here in the Peterson household, but Luke turned two months old on Christmas Eve!

At his two month appointment, we found out that Luke is our short chubby boy with a big head. He weighed in at 11 lbs 14 oz (50th percentile), 22 inches long (10th percentile) with a 16-inch head circumference (90th percentile, and obviously a sign that we have a genius on our hands with a huge brain). Luke's cousin was born last week and at birth was the same length that Luke was at two months! He also got some vaccinations at the appointment, which was quite traumatic (mostly for me, he pretty much just went to sleep right after he got pricked).

Here are some fun things about Luke at 2 months (and... a couple weeks):
- The boy has found his hands! He can often be found "scheming" as Richard calls it. He rubs his hands together and looks off in the distance with a shifty look. I have to get a video of it -- it is so funny!
- His nighttime sleep schedule is a bit erratic, which I suppose is normal for this age. Some (very sad) nights, he won't go more than 2.5-3 hours between feedings, but last night he slept for 8 hours! Bless you, child. I hope that trend continues, as his mom his much more fun with a full night's rest than when she is sleep deprived.
- Luke is a total daddy's boy. He always greets Richard with a huge smile when he gets home from work and won't take his eyes of him for most of the night.
- And of course, the question on everyone's lips... how's his poop coming along? Glad you asked! He is pooping more regularly now, going once every day or so. Way to go, L!

Love you, Lukey boy!


Jen Holtkamp said...

so cute, can't wait to see him in person! when your baby sleeps consistently through the night you feel like you've gained a new life :)

jennybhill said...

8 hours! Awesome! Hope he has kept it up lately! Looking forward to meeting this cute little guy next month.

Mom said...

I'm pokey, but just read this. So excited for your visit. Luke has grown so much!