Friday, November 9, 2012

Luke is Here! Part II

For Part I of the story, click [here]

I was so comfortable with the epidural that I just relaxed for about 3-4 hours and let my body get ready to push. Around 5 pm, my doctor came in and broke my water and I started pushing at around 5:30. Pushing actually was not hard or painful at all (because of the epidural, obviously), which was interesting as that was the part that I was most concerned about. I pushed for about 45 minutes, and after getting an episiotomy (ouch!), Luke came gushing out! He started crying immediately which was the most beautiful sound in the world.

We cuddled with him for a couple of hours and then moved to a recovery room where we stayed for the next couple of days. The rest of the stay was mostly a blur of cuddling, sleeping, trying to learn breastfeeding and eating gross hospital food. One funny thing: I was sleeping when the birth certificate people came by to get Luke's information. The woman asked me for his first name, to which in my groggy state answered, "Luke, L-U-C-K." The woman looked at me like I was crazy, and I couldn't figure out why. Richard quickly chimed in, "L-U-K-E, not L-U-C-K." Good thing he was there, otherwise our child would be Luck Peterson.

We came home Friday night and since then we've had our ups and downs, but we're getting the hang of it! He already looks different than when he was born just a couple of weeks ago. We love our little guy so much!

Here are some pictures that I've taken on my phone (I'm so bad at taking high quality photos on our real camera):


Jen Holtkamp said...

ahh! luke/luck is SO adorable! i had no idea women push for so long. they seriously had me push for like a few seconds and then said i was going to have a c-section. i actually loved the hospital food, especially you could order multiple desserts :) so glad everything went well!

Evan and Lauren said...

CUTE! haha you didn't like the chicken salad sandwich?? I'm sure hormones plays a role in how tasty/not tasty the hospital food is! Luke is so precious... I'm glad your delivery went well! Enjoy your sweet, tiny baby!

Kaylyn said...

Seriously, why do they ask such important questions to someone that just gave birth? Come on people... More importantly, Luke is adorable!! Snuggle him as much as you can while he still lets you. When you are done snuggling him, call me and I will come snuggle him!

jennybhill said...

Can't help but think of him as Lucky Luke from now on (as in, lucky that his dad was there when the birth certificate lady came, haha). Luke is adorable. I love all the pictures.

Chelsea said...

Ahhh sooo cute! What a funny story too! Lucky Luke!