Friday, August 16, 2013

Swimming Class!

Luke just had his last swimming class (1x/week for 9 weeks)! We've got the next Michael Phelps on our hands, folks! Errr... maybe not quite yet.

During the class, we practiced such skills as:
-- Not crying when getting in the water
-- Not constantly hitting the other babies in the pool
-- Splashing water as enthusiastically as possible

But seriously, I think that he is a little more comfortable in the water now -- during the last class we were even able to dunk him under water for a second without him crying. Progress!

Richard and I took turns taking him to the class every Friday afternoon. For the last class, we both went and I was the designated photographer. It was a fun summer activity! 

1 comment:

Bringing In Bedtime said...

Haha! I loved the set of skills you practiced! Hilarious!