Friday, May 8, 2009

One Flew Over Emily's Nest

Because of my newly-found (forced?) love of learning new words for the GRE, I was especially intrigued when I came across this quote from Albert Einstein:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

After pondering this definition, I came to the conclusion that I am, quite literally, insane. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes! (Sorry, I'm listening to my Broadway mix right now.) Really, though. I have several examples to back up this claim. And in honor of Richard's last final today, I will show it to you courtroom style:

Exhibit 1: The Sun

Don't let this guy's innocuous facade fool you; his evil death rays belie his smiling face. (And, by the way, isn't it ironic and silly that we draw sunglasses on the sun? Yes, I just realized that.) Each year, around this time, I take a look at my skin and am reminded of my extremely fair (unfair?) Scandanavian coloring and think, "oh, well, I'll just go outside and go running/the pool/the beach and get tan."

Well, you know what happens next: I inevitably turn incarnadine, and have to load on the aloe vera/moisturizer for the next couple of weeks. Let me stress again that I go through this EVERY. YEAR. And every April, I think that my skin genes have somehow morphed into those of a Amazon warrior. Maybe in 2010...

Exhibit 2: The Shoes

I have a pair of very cute brown shoes that I got my junior year of college (read: 2 years ago). After doing the mandatory "test run" of awkwardly walking 30 feet around the store, I decided that it was okay -- nay, a good thing -- that the shoes felt a tad too small for my feet because, you know, they'll probably stretch out enough and this means that they won't fall off my feet! Right?

Yeah. Right. The next day, simply walking from one class to another almost killed me. It felt like I was walking on hot coals. But, you don't understand, they were SO CUTE. So then, a week later, I only remembered the cute part and decided to wear them again to church. Again, the blisters and the agony ensued. To THIS DAY (seriously, I wore them last week), I think, "well maybe they have finally stretched out (sitting in my closet floor) or my feet shrunk or something and it won't be so bad this time." Sigh.

So, there you have it folks. You are reading the blog of an insane person. I rest my case.


Carma said...

I feel your pain...or at least my feet do.

Bethany said...

Hah! Oh Emmie, I am right with you on both of those. We can be insane together. :)

Nana said...

Ha, ha. Good blog. I used to have some cute brown really high heels that I would just wear to class because they were so cute. I would keep them under my desk and hobble to class, thinking I looked so cool, then hobble back and take them off in great relief. Stupid? I guess it's a female thing. They are now somewhere in Goodwill land and I wear COMFY (uncool) shoes.

Katie said...

One of my friends had to leave graduation today because her high heels made her bleed! Why do we do this to ourselves?

ANIB said...

Ummm... I love those shoes! And would also never learn my lesson after wearing them- they're too cute to sit in the back of a closet.