Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just call me Katie Couric

During Emily's parents' stay, Emily and her Mom spent a delightful morning at the Newseum, a museum about the media and the news.

One of the exhibits was an interactive game where you could "Be a TV Reporter." You can choose between 7 backgrounds (each with its own news story), and you take a microphone and read off of a teleprompter! Twas fun! Too bad I couldn't convince my Mom to join me, boo hoo.

Here's the video:


Michelle said...

Zowie! You sound so professional. I think it's time for a career change.

jennybhill said...

That's fantastic. Nice job freezing your smile there at the end while you're waiting to cut back to the studio reporter. And I like how much more congenial you sound introducing yourself than all those other reporters who insist on saying their first and last names.

Kristen said...

I've heard that the Newseum is really amazing. Thats great that you got to go. Nice reporting!!

Kody and Katie said...

haha, love it!

Bethany said...

Yay you! You are a movie star! You should put the video on youtube...