Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Key To Happiness

Elvis once said, "I believe the key to happiness is: someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to."


Richard and I will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary next month, which just happens to coincide nicely with GMU's spring break. We were originally going to be going to Chicago to see a taping of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me (a lifelong dream for both of us) and to see our friends The Carrs! Unfortunately, those plans got smashed when Richard realized how cold it is in Chicago in March. So... maybe later.

Instead, we got a rocking Groupon to a lovely resort in Casanova (!), Virginia called Poplar Springs. It looks like it should be a fun and (this is key) relaxing time. We are also planning on going to visit friends in Richmond and Charlottesville.

Here we are almost three years ago on our wedding day. I never get sick of looking at our wedding pictures (although you probably do, so I'll just show the one):


We are not lacking in this category. Richard is working full-time, taking 10 credits (only 2 credits short of going to school full-time), on the moot court board, the trial advocacy board, a member of Inn of Court, the executive editor of the civil rights law journal and on the student bar association.

I am having a blast taking 4 classes and working on some great research projects. Here are a some things that I'm working on that I get really excited about:
- A study looking at parent perceptions of immunizations, and what sources they trust most for information (e.g. their own pediatricians, doctors on TV)
- An experiment with current smokers examining the effectiveness of the new graphic warning labels that will be mandatory late next year (if you remember, this was also the topic of my honor's thesis)
- Study examining adherence to medication for Type 2 diabetes patients (funded by Merck)
- A content analysis of cancer information found in Korean American newspapers, specifically looking at screening/prevention.
- A manuscript (currently under review, crossing my fingers) entitled: Communication Accommodation and Culture: Predictors of Treatment Adherence Among Mexican Immigrant Patients, using the structural equation model

I also recently found out that I was accepted into the PhD program at Mason, and that I was awarded the department's Presidential Scholarship Award. Basically, they give one award per year to an incoming PhD student that (a) doubles my living stipend, and (b) devotes my PhD solely to research (meaning, I can't teach during the school year). I'm a little bummed about the teaching part, but I will still be able to teach during summers, so that's nice. I just got my teaching schedule for this summer - I will be teaching Comm101 (Interpersonal) during Mason's "C" session, which runs July 5 - August 5. It's only a month, but the hours are kind of intense: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. MWF. Wish me luck!


March 14-20: Spring Break
March 17-19: Anniversary Getaway
The Month of March: March Madness! Go Cougars! Go Patriots!
April 25: Richard's Birthday Celebration
April 29 - May 1: DC Health Conference at GMU (I've been helping to plan the conference and am really excited for it!)
May 18: Last Day of the Semester
May 29 - June 7: Sweden/Denmark Trip
June Sometime: Hopefully trips to Rochester and/or Seattle
July 5- August 5: Teaching
August Sometime: Utah Trip
October 28: Visiting the Texan Hills/ BYU v. TCU game at the Cowboys Stadium

Well, I suppose Elvis would say we are pretty happy. I think so too! Until next time...


Brenda said...

Congrats on the scholarship and good luck keeping your class from yawning incessantly from 9:30 to 10pm.

jennybhill said...

Emily, you are incredible! Congrats on the Ph.D. program. Glad we made it on your list for the future :)
By the way, Chicago isn't THAT cold in March. We have a few good weather days here in Illinois, and you might have gotten lucky.

Mom said...

Wow, fun now and fun ahead. The picture of Elvis reminds me of your old Elvis impersonation....."well, since my baby left me...I found a new place to dwell..." complete with the curled lip. Glad we "made the list". May will be here soon..we say now through our chapped lips, shivering violently!

Jenny @ An Apple for the Crafter said...

You guys rock. You are totally inspirational. I hope you're coming to the YMC activity on Friday. WE MISS YOU!!

Chelsea said...

Ah yeah I'M looking forward to all of your fun events too! Sweden! Oh my gosh take me! You guys totally deserve it! Have a blast and congrats Emily on everything! You're soo brilliant! I'm going to need your help someday if I ever sue a doctor...well maybe Richie's help too. Haha jk!

Jen Holtkamp said...

wow you guys have a really exciting couple months coming up! i'm jealous you'll get to travel so much!

Katie said...

Meant to post this a while back, but I love that I already knew all that about you!! Yay! We should definitely have more frequent phone convos. Wish you were coming to Chicago - it's really not that cold!! But have fun on your anniversary getaway!!