Friday, December 11, 2009

Top 5 Best GRE Words

The GRE is over and done with... horah! horah! I made a vow immediately after taking it that I would no longer try to incorporate silly GRE words into my every day life anymore, because (a) I was probably using the words incorrectly some of the time, and (b) it tended to make me sound bombastic.

However, I have a special place in my heart for these 5 special GRE words that I will never forget (sadly, none of them were actually on the test, but no matter):

(1) Quaff- Official definition: to drink (a beverage) copiously and heartily. Why I love it: Kristen and I were reviewing some GRE words on the way down the Florida Keys a couple of months ago, and came across this gem. It was sort of a running joke on the trip, and last week I received a frantic voicemail from Kristen saying she was "going to quaff some alcohol" if I didn't call her back immediately (joking, of course). Also, it makes me think of ducks.

(2) Hummock: Official Definition: A small hill. Why I love it: As soon as I read this definition, my two completely adorable nephews (with the last name Hill) flashed into my mind. My sister cleverly added on to these nicknames, and they are now known around our apartment as Chop and Squash Hummock.

(3) Gossamer: Official Definition: any thin, light fabric. Why I love it: The day after I learned this word, I was rereading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" for the 80th time and they use this word twice within like 2 chapters! I had been reading over it for years without stopping to think about what it meant. I was so excited that these words were actually used in real life!

(4) Pariah: Official Definition: an outcast. Why I love it: The sentence in Barron's for this word is "If everyone rejected Mariah Carey, would she then be Mariah the Pariah?" It made me laugh and momentarily contemplate a job as the person who comes up with vocabulary sentences. I have since reconsidered this career choice.

(5) Avuncular: Official Definition: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an uncle. Why I love it: First of all, it's just a fun word to say! Secondly, it inspired the Peterson Family Mascot: "The Avuncular Canadians." [T-shirts and more info about this mascot to come]


esmiley said...

I remember reading Hamlet in highschool and coming across "avuncular." It immediately became a favorite word--it's a good one. I also learned gossamer in high school thanks to good 'ole showchoir sequin dresses. Gossamer sequin dresses were the trendy and coveted costumes of the if any sequin dress should really be coveted.

Michelle said...

I need to use the word quaff more. I think I will always think of ducks, too.

Nana said...

Now I get it about the hummock -- fun words to use in our everyday life! Congrats on the GRE, by the way.

jennybhill said...

Your excellent post begs the question:

If the Hummocks quaff rice milk in their gossamer onesies, will they be pariahs or avuncular favorites?

Carma said...

so glad I was there for part of the fun....Thurman will always remember his aunties studying for the test as well!