Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas Break 2011

We had a really fun Christmas and New Year's Eve this year! We ended up going to Salt Lake the weekend before Christmas to hang out with Richard's family and take some family pictures. Here are a few of my favorites:

Then, we stayed home in NOVA for Christmas and New Year's Eve. It was a strange feeling not being with either of our families to celebrate these holidays, but it was great to not experience the stress of traveling and to be able to spend it with such awesome friends.

Christmas Eve day, Richard and I headed out to experience our Christmas presents to each other... front row tickets to the Redskins v. Vikings game at FedEx field. It was so much fun to be so close to the field. Sadly, they lost (which will come to no surprise to those of you who follow football). But it was still SO much fun! I wouldn't want to go to an NFL game any other way.

One thing that was really fun about it was that we had a really good view of John Beck, BYU's former quarterback. I kept on loudly yelling, "Put in Beck!!" in hopes that he would turn around and smile at us. Alas, 'twas not meant to be. Also, I think everyone by me was very confused as to why I actually wanted John Beck to play (apparently, he hasn't been that great this season).

That night, we went over to Bethany & Ben's place. B and I have been friends since the very first day of our freshman year of college, so it was almost like celebrating with family. We had lots of fun with our old Alexandria ward friends eating fondue, playing charades and Trivial Pursuit and exchanging presents.

Fast forward to New Year's Eve... we first went to the Bell's house. Gina and I are in the PhD program together and have lots of fun together. It was great! And then we went to the Vigil's to bring in the new year in style (when Britni's hosting, you really wouldn't have it any other way). Check out her post here. Seriously, Britni should quit her job and be a full-time party planner!

The past few weeks have been considerably less exciting. It mostly consists of Richard going to work and then doing 4-5 hours of bar prep every weekday night (plus all day Saturday), and me getting ready for the new semester, watching The Bachelor, and slowly getting addicted to Pinterest. Hope you're having a great 2012!


kevin711 said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Happy New Year!

Jen Holtkamp said...

i'm sure beck appreciated your support! :)

jennybhill said...

Loved your pictures!