Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Trip Nov 23-26

Chard and I had an excellent Thanksgiving in upstate New York with the Bylunds. We ate pie, ran races, saw waterfalls, ate pie, went to the temple, saw the home of "The Office," ate pie and hiked. Did I mention the pie?

We left late Wednesday to avoid holiday traffic and made it just shy of 3 am. Thursday morning we put on our running gear and headed out to the Webster Turkey Trot Four Four (it is called the four four because it is 4.4 miles long). The weather was unseasonably warm and we had a blast - minus the very muddy ending.

That night we had a amazing dinner provided by Emily B. and learned some fun new games (you can always count on Kevin and Emily to have the best games around!).

Friday, at the request of Richard, we drove up to Niagara Falls. It was fun but VERY windy!! There was constant wind at at least 50 mph, with gusts stronger than that. Richard was very excited to cross seeing the falls off his bucket list.

Saturday morning we did an early morning session at the temple, walked through the Sacred Grove with the Bylunds and then left for our meandering trip back home. On the way, we stopped at Watkins Glen, Cornell University and Scranton, PA (Steamtown Mall) - home of The Office! 'Twas very exciting.

We made it home safe and sound in JUST under 1100 miles for the trip.

Now we get to stay put for a few weeks before we head out to Utah. We will spend the next little bit finishing final papers and tests (Richard's LAST TESTS EVER!!!) of the semester before we get to relax. Happy Thanksgiving!


Richard Peterson said...

Sweet trip! Many thanks to the Bylunds for hosting us.

Hksedwick said...

I love Thanksgiving runs!! sounds like a great trip.

Kristen said...

Is Richard's new nickname "Chard"?
Thanks for posting! Great pics!

kevin711 said...

It was great to have you here!
Chard and Mily(?)

Brenda said...

Wow! 1100 miles?! If you get tired of the cerebral jobs some day, y'all would make an amazing truck driving team:)

jennybhill said...

Does the chard nickname have anything to do with the Swiss variety from our neighbors?? I also kind of like "Timbits" as a nickname.
Glad you had an awesome Thanksgiving. And lots of pie.

Jen Holtkamp said...

glad you guys had a good trip but more glad you guys are back! the sacred grove is one place i'm dying to see. i just never realized how far away it is!

Mom said...

Love the blog. Looks like you packed a lot of fun into a little time.